NUS-Tsinghua Joint Studio: Sharing Cities | 2020 | NUS Studio
Sharing Downtown Edge
In the year 2020, the studio focuses on the Pearl's Hill region, which locates on the edge of downtown core and beside Chinatown historic district. Surrounding the long-history community there are mixed urban fabrics with various social groups, but somehow fragmented in the past urban development. Pearl's Hill is a precious urban greenspace in the region but remains underutilized for a long time. The community is also featured by People's Park Complex, a modernism landmark, which is overlapped with last year's studio. Facing complicated social and spatial contexts, this studio attempts to explore how the sharing programs can help to solve some of the community's problems. Based on the programming, design interventions on both urban and architecture scales are proposed, trying to solidify these sharing programs and improve the spatial quality for potential regenerative developments. Students are split into two groups in exploring solutions of this site.