NUS-Tsinghua Joint Studio: Sharing Cities | 2018 | Tsinghua studio
In post-industrialization period, most of the industry zones in urban central districts confront the regeneration due to urban functions replacement, providing the opportunities for sharing city discussion, such as whether the urban functions and urban spaces could be shared, what could be shared and how to share.
How to display the industrial history by physical environment conservation, as well as visiting routes organization and supporting facilities supply? How to reshape the boundary of industry zones in the changing urban context to integrate the industrial zones into the city? How to organize the transportation, including the metro commute, the motorized and pedestrian traffic to connect those industry zones and their surroundings? How to regenerate the original factory plant to host residence, work and leisure function? Furthermore, how to cultivate the future development by introducing the new infrastructure system?
These above-mentioned topics generally exist in the industry zones regeneration process. Those topics are explored in the urban design studio of 751 D.Park regeneration, an art district transferred from a heating industry zone. Spatial strategies and detailed design proposals cover seven different topics, including sharing boundary, sharing resident, sharing work, sharing leisure, sharing transportation, and sharing infrastructure. In each topic, existing urban functions and corresponding urban spaces utilization are studied, followed by the discussion on possibility of sharing approaches for new functions and urban design tasks.
Sharing Boundary
Sharing Leisure
Sharing Infrastructures
Sharing Transportation
Sharing Heritage
Sharing Residential
Sharing Work